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I have a NDA going out to several people.  One of them is reporting that DocuSign is making him create an account in order to sign the NDA. 

Is there a setting or work-around that could avoid this?

@Mel K-W This is an Account level Security settings based on the Account where the envelope was sent from.  The option set determine what the Recipient may have to do in order to take Recipient action:

Settings > Security Settings

Login Requirements

Not Required to Login

Login Required if Signer Has an Account

Account Required – Login Once Per Session

Account Required – Login for Each New Envelope

It is likely that your account is set at one of the last two options. You will need to be an Admin or check with an Admin to see if this ca n be changed to accommodate for Recipients without a DocuSign account.

Hi @Mel K-W,

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Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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