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Recipeint bulk signing a template sent in bulk

  • 29 March 2024
  • 2 replies

I have created a template that will be sent to hundreds of recipients.  However, the first recipient (the organization officer) needs to sign every envelope before the final recipient receives it.  is there a way to allow our office to sign all the envelopes sent in bulk?

@Carlos There is no option for bulk Signing. If you send out 100 envelopes, it would require Recipient 1, the organization officer, to open each envelope and take the necessary actions such as Signing to complete their Recipient action.  

Bulk Signing I doubt would ever be a feature as this opens up an envelope to scrutiny and possible illegitamacy based on the fact that the envelopes were mass signed without any review or understanding of the content. What if there was incorrect data, or incorrect pricing.

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