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Does anyone know if you can setup a recurring signature contract. For example I’m trying to have a contract that my clients have to sign for a rental business. But I’d like this time happen each years at the same date.  Is that possible?

Hello, @Dberneche 


You are very welcome to the Docusign Community!


Until this exact moment, the Docusign eSignature current version does not have such feature as you asked.


In the end of this month, Docusign in US will release the docusign IAM, perhaps something new on this matter may shows up.


Now, the solution for your need it’s part of our Docusign CLM product. The entire contract lifecycle is managed providing automatic renewals reminders and many more advance features for agreements since its creation until recurrent renewals and much more!


Let me know if I answered your question, if so, I’d appreciate your Like here, thanks!




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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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