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Is there any possibility that, together with the code of the envelope that Docusign adds to all the documents, a QR code is include as “secure verification code”, where it can be checked that the document is real and valid? 


There is not a QR code, but every document that is download from Docusign has an electronic seal embedded by default. You can check this seal being present and validate if via e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader locally if it is real and valid.

If the electronic seal is broken, the document was tempered with. There are a few exceptions, like documents with qualified electronic seals, where the may be no electronic seal from Docusign present, as it it not required due to individual electronic certificated being embedded.

If the no electronic seal, it is likely not an be original, but something people printed and rescanned and potentially modified without the electronic seal.

Hello @pdesalvador ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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