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Hello, Can someone please tell me how I can convert a form I’ve signed on DocuSign to a PDF format? When I’ve sent it to my email address it opens as html.

Thank you!

Hi @miamarmia !

Docusign offers you the possibility to download the envelope signed directly from the platform. You just need to access your signed envelope again, and then select Download on the top center of your page:


Please, check this article to get more information: Download and print a document that you received | eSignature


Please, let me know if still need help with it!


In addition to what @Vinicius.Rodrigues has already mentioned in his reply.

All signed documents in Docusign eSignature are always in the PDF format. When you upload the document it automatically gets converted to PDF file format.

Therefore, I am not sure to what HTML file you are referring to. The email itself that you receive from Docusign which contains the link to access the document?

Hi @miamarmia,


I hope you are doing well.


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Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

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