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Is there an ability to send a document for signature but only the sender gets the signed copy. There are numerous cases (particularly with 3+ signatory documents) where it is not appropriate for individual signatories to get the fully-signed document. This should be a setting but does not currently seem possible and requires such an agreement to be individually sent to each signatory.


No, every recipient in the signing workflow will get the signed copy at the end. Why is it nor appropriate for the individual signatories to get a fully-signed document? Can you give an example?

You can use embedded signing through an application or portal and configure it that those embedded recipients do not get a copy of the signed document at the end. However, you should then make this available to the recipients via the application or portal in order for them to access what they signed.

Here are some examples but the point is that it should be configurable by the person collecting signatures because DocuSign can not predict every use case.

  • Signatures are often collected in advance and not effective until released
  • Sometimes we are just collecting “signature packets” and it is odd to send everyone a bunch of signature pages that are not attached to anything
  • Some agreements provide the person can only physically access a copy of the final executed document

We can load a document multiple times and do one signatory to each load to get around some of this. Just seems like an intentional limitation by DocuSign and is what it is.

Hi @andrewkimb,

I hope you are doing well.

I want to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,

 Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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