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Users within my companies organization are not receiving emails from Docusign.  I have tried the troubleshooting in Why aren't my signers receiving Docusign Notification emails? but have not had any luck with the tips, incuding adding the docusign domains. I do receive the notifications to a Gmail account, so I thought it was related to the company's security; however, I tested it with a Yahoo account and did not receive the notification.  Our work around has been to log on to see what is pending, however some users needed a verification code to log in but are not receiving the codes.  

Hi @Shann,


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


We are glad to have you here and can't wait to help share as much knowledge as possible


I am sorry to hear that your users haven't been receiving the DocuSign email notifications, but I will gladly assist you in correcting the issue.


Your user's email notification settings are managed exclusively in My Preferences>Notifications.


For detailed steps on how to manage your email notifications, see:


How do I manage my Docusign email notifications?


If the affected users have enabled the setting. but are not getting the emails, the most common root cause of this behavior would be a custom rule either in your email inbox or within your email domain that is suppressing the email or moving it to a specific folder.


You can find  more information on the possible root causes behind this behavior, here:


Why aren't my signers receiving Docusign Notification emails?


Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance with this. 


Thank you for using Docusign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 


Best regards,  

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator  


"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!  



Thank you. We were able to get it resolved.

Hi @Shann,


Thank you for following up.


I am glad to see that you were able to solve your issue.


We would really appreciate it if you could share the steps taken to resolve the situation, and mark the comment as the Best Answer. 


This will help future users in solving this issue in the future.


Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I will address them as soon as possible. 


Best regards,


Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator  


Please click "Best Answer" below if you find my reply to be a valid solution to your issue!


