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Hi There

New to Docusign. When sending a document for signature, I am having a hard time figuring out how to include a sequenced chain of people that must receive and approve the document before it is actually signed by the signing parties. Can anyone help? Thanks so much!

@LarryR I would recommend the use of “Signing Order” which when creating the new envelope may be enabled by default or disabled. The checkbox sits at the top of the Recipients section and allows you to create a envelope workflow of both sequential and parallel signing (action). So if you need 5 people to take action in a specific order you might set the workflow like this, with the first number being the Signing Order

1 John Doe - Needs to Sign

2 Jane Doe - Needs to Sign

3 John Smith - Needs to Sign

4 VP of Sales - Needs to Sign

5 President - Needs to Sign

Or if the order includes 5 people but some need to sign in parallel. With two Recipients in Signing Order 1 they both get a envelope notification to sign but it does not care about who signs or takes action first but both have to complete the action before it moves to #2 in the Signing Order

1 John Doe - Needs to Sign

1 Jane Doe - Needs to Sign

2 John Smith - Needs to Sign

3 VP of Sales - Needs to Sign

4 President - Needs to Sign

Link to a DocuSign article on Signing Order:

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