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I have a document that sometimes needs one signer, sometimes two, potentially as many as four.  I have created a template with four signers.  I would like to be able to fill in the number of signers when I use the template; unused signer fields would result in only one, two, or three signers on that particular use of the document.  As it stands, there is no such thing as an optional signer, and the signer group functionality doesn’t handle this situation.  So, I have to create four versions of the exact same document:  one with one signer field, another with two, another with three, and another with four.  I really only want the signer FIELD to be optional, not the signer.  In other words, if “signer 2” is filled in when the template is used, then “signer 2” is a required signer.  If “signer 2” is left blank when I use the template, then there is no “signer 2” for that particular document envelope.

@purposeguy - This is a good use case for conditional routing.   If you know what fields are triggering the need enable the next signer.  Using Conditional Routing (

Thanks, this could indeed work.  I’d need to edit the conditional routing groups each time I used the template, but that’s not a problem.  The problem is that the need for conditional routing depends on something that doesn’t appear in the document.  It’s a sales agreement, so the field would be something like “number of owners”, which isn’t part of the legal language in the document.  Is it possible to create a field that gets filled in by signer #1 but that doesn’t appear on the document?  Then the rules for optional signing groups could trigger off that field without messing up the text given me by my lawyer.

An easier solution would be to create an additional signer type:  “needs to sign if filled in”, meaning that if a name and email address are provided for signer #2, then signer #2 must sign.  If no name and email address are filled in, then signer #2’s fields are ignored.  Conditional routing is a very complex solution to a simple problem.

Hi @purposeguy,


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Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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Well, no, the problem isn’t solved.  I asked a question to which I’d need the answer:  “Is it possible to create a field that gets filled in by signer #1 but that doesn’t appear on the document?”  This could provide a sort of workaround.  The real solution would be to change the coding so there can be optional signers.


Every field will appear on the document, but you may add it in a way that it is not visible, by choosing white as the text color on white background. It will be present but not visible on the final document and can be set to required, e.g. a drop down with the values 1,2,4 that you position anywhere in the document, e.g. a corner. You need instruct signer #1 on how to use it, e.g. add a note field that will also be present but not part of the final document, like a sticky note.

Great, I like the white text solution.  With this and the optional signing groups, there’s at least the possibility that this could work.  I’m signer #1, so understanding how it works won’t be a problem.  I’ll give it a shot and update this thread.
