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"The specified envelope has duplicate recipients." This is my error message, however I need 2 people  to sign 10 separate documents twice, but they can’t sign first. What can I do? Thanks


The solution is to set up a recipient order. You can have the same recipient multiple times in the same signature workflow if needed, as long as the routing number is different.

Thanks for getting in touch, I have them in order but still no luck, 2 people have to sign 10 contracts first then another 10 people will sign the contracts after to fully execute. I did this last year around this time with no issues 


There should be no issue, if the recipients with the same name and email address are not in the same routing order. You may post a screenshot if you want, so a review is possible to find the duplicate recipient.

If these are separate contracts to be counter-signed by different people, are you sure you want to include them in the same envelope? Every recipient will be able to see all documents in the envelope, even if they do not need to sign. If this is not a data privacy or security concern, all in a single envelope should work, but to me it sounds more like these should be 10 different transactions with 2 signers each? Potentially the first signer is always the same recipient and the second signers will be different for every document?

Would you have the time to do a quick teams call on it my email address is



Sorry, I am not available to join any calls from my end.

Hi @DanLloydVMTV,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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