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I have two users under my email address one I have been using for a few years and one that was just sent to me from my company. How do I merge the two users so I only have one user and do not lose the history on my original user.  

Hello @JmillerALTCOS,


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.


I apologize for the inconvenience that this might cause you, I know the importance of having the envelopes that you sent and received sorted and filtered as needed; I understand that you want to know if it is possible to merge two users.


Currently, there is no option to merge the users into one single user, we apologize for the inconvenience, the closest option would be to have both users under the same email and password combination so you can switch between them.


Users with multiple accounts can easily switch between them by clicking on their profile image and selecting "Switch Account" from the account actions menu. In the "Select an Account" dialog box, choose the desired account to switch to. The selected account will then be loaded and displayed at the top of the account actions menu, indicating that it is the current account in use. Switch Between Accounts.


Users with multiple accounts on different DocuSign sites can easily switch between them by selecting the desired account after entering their email address on the login page. The "Select a user" page displays the account name and DocuSign site for each user, making it easy to identify the desired account. To switch to a different account, simply log out and log in again, selecting the new account. Switch Between Accounts on Different Sites.


This guide provides an introduction to configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) for DocuSign accounts. It is intended for DocuSign administrators who are responsible for enabling SSO and collaborating with technical resources within their company, such as IT administrators and DNS administrators. The guide outlines the roles required to complete the SSO configuration, including the DocuSign administrator, DNS administrator, and Identity Provider administrator.


Note: Some advanced features and options are supported only in specific DocuSign plans. Your account plan might not support some options discussed in this help topic. Contact your account administrator for more information about which options are available for your account. Or, visit our Plans and Pricing web page for more details on the features included with your plan. Compare eSignature plans & pricing.


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.

Hi @JmillerALTCOS,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested or if the information that was provided was useful.


If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.


Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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