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Is there a way to place fields at the exact same location on multiple pages using coordinates - without Drag and Drop or Auto place.

For a 100 page document it is very difficult to add initial to all pages.

Currently we are copy pasting on all the 100 pages. But we need an efficient method to add it in one page and specify the page range or select all pages where the initial gets applied.


You could use AutoPlace to achieve this, if there is a field that appears on every page, e.g. in the header or footer of the document. It can even be the “page of” in the footer to use as an anchor text. This will add the initial tag to all pages and you can then mass change the location to the desired position on the document.

However, we do not recommend initialing every page, as this is a relict from the paper based world and not required in the digital world. Risks like someone replacing a page from the contract with a different version do not exist in Docusign eSignature, same as people not being able to strikethrough or add text to the contract. Especially in a 100 page contract this is a bad user experience as they have to click on every single initial field, which is time consuming and unnecessary. 
