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I was wondering if anyone had the following situation: 
My CEO has added me as “delegate” to his gmail account. The same account he uses to login to DocuSign. 
Therefore, now I am able to access his emails and once I press on the Docusign link - I can sign all of his documents. 
Please let me know if there is a way to stop this from happening? I do not have any legal permissions to sign any contracts or docs. 

@ingameii Layers of security can be added by the Sender of the envelope such as envelope authentication such as an Access Code, or additionally Account settings that require login when signing an envelope but again that is set at the Sender level.  I would suggest either they set a unique email to the Account that only they have access as this brings up a variety of legal or liability issues, in my opinion, if there is ever an inquiry into whether someone has exclusive access to the email address that is used to electronically sign envelopes.

Hi @ingameii,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested? 


If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find


Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

