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Dear All,

I need to send a contract plus cover page to my liaison person (whom I know, name and email address), who will then forward it to Legal for review (who I do not know, neither name nor email address), who might then forward it directly to Procurement (who I most certainly do not know in any shape or form) for the 'official' signature. Legal might also send it back to my liaison for him to forward to Procurement, without talking to them directly.

How do I set up this workflow when sending the document package for signature?

Or is there a way I can say 'here's the document, go sign it'?

What's the best way to achieve what I need, please?

Cheers, Donna

p.s. I need to send an envelope consisting of a generic cover note plus a contract with fields.

If the Liaison knows both the Legal contact and the Procurement contact, I would just set it up so that the Liaison is responsible for entering both parties' name and email address and let it go forward from there for Legal review and Procurement signature.

Use a signing order so you control the sequence of recipients and set the recipients as follows:

Specify Recipients Example

Note the Liaison is first, followed by Legal Reviewer, followed by Procurement. You only provide the name and email address of the Liaison. The Liaison is marked as "Specify Recipients" which means they will be asked to provide a name and email address for the other two recipients which you left blank.

Assign fields for the Legal Reviewer and Procurement roles where you want them to sign, initial, click Approve, or whatever else.



Thanks you very much . . . I shall give it a try!
