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The use case is a signable document that I want to post on a public website (this could be like an NDA, a sales contract, or a Terms of Service).

The signer would be able to initiate the creation of an envelope (which they would first sign and then I would sign, basically I would want all the usual workflows under that template to execute).


Yes, this feature is called DocuSign PowerForms, which allows a non DocuSign user to initiate a template via a URL that you can post on a website, share via email or any other way to reach your potential signers that are going to fill out your template.

Feature description:

DocuSign Support Article:


Sorry, I wasn’t really clear on what I was asking.

I do see that functionality if you upgrade to the Business Pro plan, is there a technique to achieve that while still being licensed on the Standard plan?

Perhaps as an API call, or by manually generating a particularly constructed URL?


Thank you for the additional context.

No, if you current plan does not include the feature it is not activated on the account.

I am not sure, if the API is available on the Standard plan. If it would be, then we are talking about a full integration with from an application that you own or an website to leverage DocuSign Embedded Signing.

When using the API the URL that you can generate to redirect the signer is only valid for 5 minutes. Therefore, sending it via email or anything else is not really possible and does not comply with the concept of this being embedded into your application or portal.

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