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This may just be a wish for DocuSign to make it better. I have 200+ signing groups. If someone switches roles within the organization and happens to be a signer, my life is miserable, because I have to:

  • Guess which signing groups they’re a member of, and if it’s not clear, share their envelopes and looking at their signing history. 
  • Look at every single signing group from that department one by one and check if the user is part of it
  • Remove the user one by one from signing groups. 

Why can’t it just be like shared access, and I can see it on the User’s profile?! Is there a better way that I’m just missing? 

Hi @FormWizard !

Unfortunately, there is currently no such simple solution for your scenario. The online platform currently does not have a way to massively download all users from all accounts - as like Groups and/or Users.

What I can recommend are two API calls. The first Get SigningGroup List will retrieve a list of all signing groups in the specified account. Then, Get SigningGroupUsers List to retrieve the list of members in the specified Signing Group.


In parallel, feedback that can improve our users’ experience is always more than welcome. Could you please send your feedback to: By doing this, the Product team will review it and determine the next steps.

If you’re a DocuSign Administrator for a corporate plan, you have the additional option of filing your request directly when you’re logged into your account. You’ll be able to click the “Give Feedback” button at the bottom of the screen to submit your idea.

Hi @FormWizard,


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Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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