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I want to swap the position of signature block. Each time the document that i want to sent to recipient, i first changed through tool and then able to sent.

Now i want that it automatically set signature position at right place so that i only sent to recipient without manually drag and drop signature fieldsPlatsIn the screenshot above, you can see it was going to subscriber and then Platts, now it should first go to Platts and then to subscriber.


If these are your templates, which they appear to be, then you should be using DocuSign Custom Document tags to pre-place and embed the signature fields in your signature block. Those fields are configured within the DocuSign account (if you version supports it). The tags are created using some arbitraty syntax that you invent plus a {r} to represent the signing position/order. Just as an example, here would how the tags might be configured..


  • DocuSign Tag configured w/in docusign = /s{r}/
  • Signer 1 in your template = /s1/
  • Signer 2 in your template = /s2/

As you can see, the {r} gets replace when applied to your template based on if you expect the signer to be signer 1 or signer 2.

Per your original question, I think to "permanently" change the order of signature, you just need to change the {r} portion of your tag to switch the 1 to a 2 and vice versa.

Thanks i am using Adobe sign e signature provider, Can i use same technique to do that?

Yes. I believe Adobe Sign publishes a guide of various esign tags that can be embedded into your templates. The same concept applies with the signer position number in Adobe's version of the tag syntax.

So @Scott Brooks​  , After your suggestion, i went through the online articles related to text tags. And it seems best solution to tackle that problem related to alignment.

But the point which i understand, for implementing this solution, you will need to change each document that your organization have. I mean you have to put text tags for signature to each existing document..There is no other way, where changing one document can automatically implement/reflect others.

FYI: I am doing this stuff in all existing templates/ documents. There is no requirement to create new template/ Document.

Thanks all Scott..

You helped me a lot..
