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I am new here. I've just created new document for signing.

How can I check for myself that everything is ok with my document (every fields at their places, everything is clear what and how to fill etc) before agent sees one and starts to bombarding me with questions (how should I fill this?, what is the field for? and so on)?

In general, I would like to see what signer sees and do everything (fill in fields) signer should do before real sending. Yes, and sign in too.

Is there some standard option for checking? 

If my question is standard one of in FAQ please share with me the link where one cleared. And my apologize, I tried to find but got no useful info.


You need to send the envelope to yourself to have the same user experience as the intended recipient.

If you don't want to use the envelopes in the production environment to do this, you can create a free developer account in the demo environment. Just click on this link and create an account on the top right.

Then you can build the template and do as much testing as needed without using the envelopes in production. You can export and import the Docusign templates between the accounts.
