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We have a template for several different programs, but the templates are mostly the same except for a few fields (like program name, start date). All the other fields are the same. They have to be in separate envelopes because we only send one form to each signer, via a link from a PowerForm.

If there is a solution, I'd be so grateful to not have to add the same fields to multiple templates over and over again.


Yes, I believe the best approach is as follows. I would create Template A, upload the document, add Recipients, add fields, Save. Copy Template A, then use "Replace" to swap documents but retain all the Recipients and DocuSign fields, then make adjustments of removing fields or adding new fields.

That works! Thank you so much.

Glad I could help. I noticed you have an office in Bozeman, MT. I work at MSU, please feel free to reach out to me for other questions, be glad to help a local company with any questions, I have used DocuSign for more than 6 years.

Thanks David, I might just take you up on that offer!

Hi. I am looking to do the same. I am trying to follow your instructions but getting stuck. I have created Template A, created a Copy, when I go to REPLACE just trying to understand what I am uploading to replace it. IE I am wanting to upload the template with all the fields I have entered in?

When clicking SAVE it creates it as a template. The only way I seem to be able to save it on the computer is to DOWNLOAD. This does it as a JSON file, but then when i click on REPLACE it doesn't like this file format.

Sorry, I must be doing something wrong before that.

Ulttimtaley what I am trying to achieve is as follows:

I have a 10 page document which I have painstakingly added fields/done conditional logic etc. This same 10 pages I want to insert in 3 other templates. RAther than having to add all the fields again. I have tried a simple Copy and Paste but this only works for me on the same template, not the next one. Hope that makes sense?

If you have any tips that would be great. Thanks in advance!



So what I believe you are attempting to achieve is more of a Template merge then a copy and replace based on your explanation. The original issue was where one Template was created and then they wanted a second Template with the same fields but a different document. Your situation is you have 4 Templates, lets call them Template A, B, C, and D. You have Template A which is a 10 page complicated creation and you want to take that and add it to Template B and create in essence Template E. (combining A and 😎. Does that sound correct?

Hi, you have explained it perfectly, that is exactly what I am trying to do. Have previously done it the slow way (re-create everything). Hoping there is a way to add this template (I can create a copy so maintaining the original) and adding it to B, C & D separately. Possible?

Merging Templates is possible. Lets again use Template A, B, C, and D. Template A is your 10 page complicated Template and you want to add it to Template B. Start by using Template B. Then when you are in the Advanced Edit mode of the envelope, go to the second Upload spot and select Use a Template and select Template A. You can change the order as you see fit. Now you need to fix the Recipients if there was any overlap or merging, then fill out some generic Recipients, maybe your email and name in all slots and Send. Now go to the Manage screen and locate that envelope. Go to the right dropdown and select "Save As Template". Now you have Template E that was a combination of Template A and B. Repeat the steps with Template A and C, then A and D to create the additional Template combos.

Hi, thanks for that. I think I have worked out the issue. My account doesn't have the option to upload a template (see screen shot). I will contact support and see what they need to do to turn it on. Thanks for taking the time in helping. Also see that others can save a sent envelope as a template which I also don't have. Will make it easier once I can do this.

Also, using David's approach you don't even need to SEND the envelope. You can just save it as a Draft with no recipient's name or email address. Then from the Drafts folder in the Manage tab, you can "Save as Template" by clicking the drop down actions button on that envelope.

Hi, great I can see that option, perfect. Now just need DocuSign to allow me to combine templates and I can get this form done, thanks again

it looks like your user permissions don't allow you to USE templates, which would also mean you can't create templates. Your account administrator would need to change your Permission Profile to grant you the rights to use and create (and maybe share) templates.

If you had the right permissions, when you are sending an envelope you would see the option to Upload a document or Use a Template:

Add Documents - Use Template

why we can't apply a template to another template directly?

My situations is

I created a template profile, had to create 39 copies and change the documents.

Later we needed to change the template a little, and it seems that the only way to apply the change is to recreate the 39 templates or create 39 envelopes both are very time consuming process. also not practical in the future with such number of templates.

I tried to use powershell to automate the process by downloading the Json template file, duplicate it, rename it and re-upload - didn't work as I expected as the name attribute is embedded as code in the json file, the template shows the name inside the Json when uploaded not the renamed file name.

this will be used by users who aren't very tech savvy so I need it as a template not envelope. I programmed some recipients to have an approval & audit process in place as well. when I save envelopes as templates I had to re-fill all recipients and advanced options settings.

I can use light scripting in powershell, Json editor & Java so any help with how to automate such process, or bulk duplicate a template with different document on docusign or using light scripting in power shell or python will be greatly appreciated and I guess many users will be looking at the same issue dilemma!
