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I need to send one document to multiple people but when I send to multiple people they sign over one another. How can I send one document (the same document) to multiple people without them signing over one another?

Hi @Sarah Menzina​ 😃

Do you mean that you want them to sign all at the same time instead of one after another?

if that's the case, go to your recipients list and untick the box "Set signing order"

If you follow that process, they will all receive the document at the same time, but you will have to resend the envelope.

Hope this helps!

Sofian Saoudi

Solusign - DocuSign Partner

Certified DocuSign Template Design & Implementation Specialist

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​no, it is not necessary for them to sign at the same time. They all need to sign one time, one document but sent to several different people (like 25 people)

when I tried sending the document to multiple people they sign over one another (the signature overlap)

One more clarifying question: are you trying to send these 25 people each their own copy of the document that they will be the only signer on their copy or are you wanting all 25 people to sign the exact same copy of the document?

​Each their own copy and they are the only signer - but its the same document

Thanks for that info. Basically, each recipient needs to get a separate envelope where they are the only signer since each copy of the document is a separate agreement and transaction.

First you'll want to create a template in DocuSign that includes your document and 1 Needs to Sign recipient. You give that recipient a Role name but leave the recipient's name and email blank in the template. You assign fields such as Signature to that recipient where you want them to sign.

You then send a separate envelope to each person who needs to sign by using the template and filling in their name and email address in that placeholder Role. You'll need to do that once for each person.

If your DocuSign account plan includes the Bulk Send feature, this can be simplified to send all 25 at the same time. The Bulk Send feature lets you use the template and upload a CSV file containing all of your recipients' name and email address. It then sends a separate envelope to each person.

​thank you so much for the help - one more question

how do I determine if my account plan includes BULK SEND- I am one of the administrators but I do not see this option in the sending settings/recipient roles

is this something that can be added ?

A couple of ways to check if you have Bulk Send:

  • Go to the admin console, look as the definition of your Permission Profile (probably DS Admin) and check whether there is an option enabled "Allow sending to bulk list"
  • Use the template. If you see a dialog box that prompts for the recipient details and a button at the bottom for "Advanced Edit" click that button. Do you see this option?Import Bulk List

Clicking the info icon at the end will allow you to download a sample CSV file with all the necessary column headings. Clicking the "Import a bulk list" link will prompt you to upload your CSV containing all the recipients who should get an envelope sent to them.

I'm not sure if you can add on just the Bulk Send feature or if you would need to upgrade to a higher account plan that includes Bulk Send.

Hi @Sarah Menzina​ 

I've created this step by step YouTube tutorial on how to Bulk Send Envelopes using a CSV.

If you're on a Business Pro or above you'll have access to CSV import.

Hope this helps!

Sofian Saoudi


Certified DocuSign Template Design & Implementation Specialists

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Thanks the videos were helpful

@Carolyn Burnley​ 

Thanks a lot for your feedback. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need some help with DocuSign. Also, a great way to say thanks is to like the video and leave a comment 🙂 have a nice weekend!

This is quite frustrating - I have many people we need to send the same document to and each one needs to separately sign the same document (so we will have several of the same document signed by different people) - are you saying instead of adding additional recipients to the envelop, we have to create a separate envelop for every single recipient?

@Paul Brodersen​ Each envelope is a separate agreement between the sender an ALL the signing parties. In theory you could send one envelope with 10 copies of the same document, 10 recipients, and assign each of the recipients Signature fields on a different copy of the document within that envelope. Each signer will also be able to see all the other parties who are also signing a copy of the document. But be aware the entire envelope succeeds or fails together. So if even 1 person declines to sign or fails to sign before the envelope expires, the entire envelope will be VOIDED, even the documents that were already signed by the other 9 people. None of the documents will be valid until all 10 are signed and completed.

If each document is a distinct agreement between you and the signer, you really should send each person their own envelope.

Same document to  several that need to sign

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

What if I send a document to 10 signers and only 9 of them sign. I'd like to use that document with only the 9 signatures. is that possible?

@Prashant Kothari​ the envelope won't complete while there are still pending signers (although it will eventually void if not completed). You could Correct the envelope to remove the signer from the workflow. Then, since all the other people have already signed, the envelope will complete and you'll have a valid agreement with those 9 signers.

I had a similar issue

@Michael Levy​ I'm a docusign dweeb + have the basic account that only allows 5 sends. I'm sending an agreement to 20 recipients but it's possible that three or four of those recipients may not be interested in the agreement and not sign. if so, can I adjust the recipients list in my document send settings to remove the non-signers?

@[Prashant Kothari]​

Is this document a separate agreement between you and each of those 20 people​ independently or is it a joint agreement between all of the 20 individuals?

If the former, you really don't want to send one envelope that all 20 people need to sign. They are not each getting their own personal copy of the document. Those individuals are all signing the exact same copy of the document and would all see each other's name and email address. Plus if one person clicks DECLINE, the entire envelope is voided. Even if 15 people signed and then #16 declines, all 15 signatures become VOID.

In the paper world, that would be like printing 1 copy of ​the document then carrying it to 20 people and asking them all to sign that same printout. 15 people sign and then the 16th person takes it from you and tears it up in your face.

It sounds like you're trying to find a way to send 20 envelopes when you're only allowed 5. If that's your goal, give up now because you can't game the system​.

One envelope = one copy of the document

If you really do want 20 people to sign the exact same copy of the document, then my prior instructions stand to Correct the envelope which allows you to remove a recipient from the envelope.

@michael levy... Umm, not sure how I'm "trying to cheat the system" when I'm not even sure what the system is.

re your question if this is "a joint agreement between all of the 20 individuals?" = it's actually a subscription agreement between me AND any of the 20 members that choose to subscribe by signing up. If they don't sign up, they're not subscribers and I'd like to remove them from the system.

Then your goal is to get 20 separate agreements signed, one from each person. That means you need to send each person their own envelope for all the reasons previously mentioned.

@Michael Levy

How would I send a waiver to 250 "invitees" that requires a signature from the person attending event (students) and a parent for it to be complete--from the thread above it seems to be one envelope with multiple signers, but in bulk...I've never used the software
