Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.
As you mention only account Admins or users with the template permission set to Share can share templates, you will need to update the permission to show that value.
More information at https://support.docusign.com/s/document-item?bundleId=pik1583277475390&topicId=pof1583277362435.html&_LANG=enus
Also, you could view the use of Shared template folders which could allow you to simplify template sharing. You set up the sharing options on the folder, selecting which users and groups have access to the folder. A shared template folder appears in the Shared Folders list for all users granted access. When you add templates to the folder, the templates are immediately accessible to the users through their access to the folder.
More information at https://support.docusign.com/s/document-item?language=en_US&rsc_301&bundleId=xry1643227563338&topicId=poy1578456398194.html&_LANG=enus
Let us know if you need further assistance with this.
Best regards,
Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator
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