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I created a new template in test.  It’s been tested and is ready to be copied to our production environment.  I can’t find any instructions on how to do this.  I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction.  

Thank you!

Hi @Julie P,


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


We are glad to have you here and can't wait to help share as much knowledge as possible.


I understand that you are looking to use the template you created in demo in your production account, and I will share the steps to set this up. To use your template in production, you will need to download it from your demo account, and re-upload it into production. This can be done in Templates>My Templates>Actions>Download. You can find detailed steps on this process, here:


Download Templates

Upload Templates

Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance with this. 


Thank you for using Docusign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 


Best regards,


Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator  


Please click "Best Answer" below if you find my reply to be a valid solution to your issue!


​Hi @Julie P,


I hope you are doing well.

I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested?           

If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find. Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   


Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!   


Hi @Alejandro.Ramos 

I hope you are ok.

I don’t see the Templates tab.

I only see the documets Tab. The templates are stored in there.

I can also see the template below the Admin/Document Generation/Create Contract - CLM tab.

The soft is not allowing me to download the full template.





Hi @Alejandro.Ramos 

I hope you are ok.

I don’t see the Templates tab.

I only see the documets Tab. The templates are stored in there.

I can also see the template below the Admin/Document Generation/Create Contract - CLM tab.

The soft is not allowing me to download the full template.





Try this. Go to Templates > My Templates > Actions > Download

Hi @Alejandro.Ramos 


I don’t have the templates tab. I downloaded the word document from Documents/Templates and there I found the word doc.

Hi @Lean Ro,


Thank you for sharing more details.

Based on your description of the website’s dashboard I can confirm you are not using our eSignature application, you are using Docusign CLM instead.

Due to this fact the steps previously shared will not apply to this scenario. Regarding how to export a template in CLM, if you are referring to a Document Generation Form, there is not a way to export it on the website’s dashboard. Nevertheless, I also believe you might benefit from scheduling a live contact with one of our Docusign CLM Engineers to look for any possible workarounds. 

If you are not able to open the case on the same page, you should scroll down to More Support Options and select "I can't reset my password or don't have an account." you will have the option of filling out the form. 

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I will address them as soon as possible. 


Best regards,

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator  

Please click "Best Answer" below if you find my reply to be a valid solution to your issue!

