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We have a role in our docusign template that is not signing anything, but needs a PDF copy of the completed document. I have them last in the signing chain as CC'd, but they don't appear to be receiving a pdf copy (the signers and senders are receiving the PDF copy because I enable the setting in signing settings). I have been through all of the signing and sending settings and had not see any setting that would unlock this.

I found this in the support guidelines, but it doesn’t specify what those settings are:

Recipients receive and complete your agreement documents in the signing order you set. A CC recipient at the end of the signing order receives the completed email notification, which can include the completed agreement PDF, depending on your account settings configuration.

@Tyler.M As a DocuSign Admin go to Settings > Signing Settings, scroll all the way to the bottom to look for “Envelope Delivery” and a checkbox for “Attach documents to completion email”. If you do not see this option then this is either not part of your DocuSign Account features or for some reason it was hidden for your account.  You may need to open a DocuSign Support case to see if this is something enabled by default or could be displayed in the Admin Settings for your Account.

I have this enabled. the signers and the sender are getting PDF copies just not the CC role

@Tyler.M I only know of a few other specific reasons that attachments might fail which is they are too large, over 5MB or if they are stripped on the recipients side via some type of firewall or email security setting.  Have you tries a test envelope to yourself with this same Recipient Role to verify the attachment issue?

We have been testing it and that is how we noticed it. 

@Tyler.M I would suggest creation of a DocuSign Support case so they can review further.

Hi @Tyler.M,


I hope you are doing well.


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Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   


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Hi, I just want to ask if anyone got a reply from Support about how do I get a PDF copy of the completed document to a CC'd role?
