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How can I send an email to a signing group or viewing group in another organization?

  • 20 March 2024
  • 2 replies

Example use case would be if I want to send a document to another company’s entire CSM team. Each member of the CSM team should be able to view or in some cases sign it. How can I do this? Obviously their signing group won’t show up in my directory and there is no email associated with that signing group as a whole, only the individual members. Even if I could add an email address manually (for example let’s say their team has a shared email inbox such as: “”) then there would need to be shared access to a DocuSign account with that email address. I would rather avoid a shared account.

Thank you!

Hello @Izzy ,


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.


I understand you need to send a document to several people to either sign or view the envelope.


So, if you are an admin, you can actually create a signing groups of your own with all the needed members (internal or external) to which you can send the needed envelopes and depending on how it is set up, all members would get the envelope in their individual inbox (if someone needs to sign, please note that the first one to access the document and sign will show as the signer, all the others will not be able to sign). All you need to know to create this signing group is to know the member’s name and email address.


In the case they have a shared email inbox, you can use that email to send it to them (this will not require the participants of the signing group to have a shared DocuSign account) and if they decide to open the envelope it will open under their individual account but this is an optional step when creating a signing group.


For more information, you can see the following article: Add Signing Groups


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Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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Hello @Izzy ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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