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Once they view the agreement it automatically  sends them the file and they haven't signed it.

@Jaijaisy This may require some extra information in order to provide assistance as I am unsure of the question that was posed and exactly what is happening when you send the envelope.  A few possible items.  When you send an envelope you set a Recipient workflow, this is all the Recipients that need to take an actin on the envelope.  Each Recipient has a Recipient Role and based on the Recipient Role takes the appropriate action or takes no action such as “Receives a Copy”.  Perhaps you set the incorrect Recipient Role or did not add fields for the Recipient. If you use “Needs to View” then all the Recipient is required to do is to open the document in the envelope which completes the action and possibly completes the envelope.  Could you provide more context around the envelope creation and expectation?

I aim for users to sign the initially uploaded document before gaining access to view the second PDF file. My approach involves enabling the "required agreement to view" option and specifying the second file for access upon signing. However, even if users haven't signed the required document, they can still download the second file simply by viewing the first document that necessitates signing.

@Jaijaisy The workflow you are noting is possible but not in the scenario where both documents are on the envelope from the beginning. Document Visibility might get you to a certain step in the process but you cannot activate new fields for the same Recipient but at a later Signing Order on a secondary document by that same Recipient completing fields on the first document.   You could set an order so that the envelope comes back to you after Recipient A has signed Document A in which you (as the Sender) then add Document B and Recipient A fields on document B. So the workflow might look like this

Send envelope with document A

Recipient A signs document A

Envelope returns to Sender (Allow to edit)

Sender adds document B and document B fields for Recipient A

Recipient A signs document B

*** Recipient A is in two spots on the envelope workflow as Signing Order 1 and Signing Order 3 in this scenario.

You could use Templates as overlays to accomplish the addition of the document B and fields. This scenario would only allow the download of both documents after the envelope has been updated by the Sender or at completion.

Hi @Jaijaisy,


I hope you are doing well.


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Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   


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I haven’t tried it yet and have no idea on how I can do it. I just recently purchased the account to try the other functionalities besides the free one. Tried to create 2 templates.

What the automation we need was:

-Sender sends the NDA document. Once recipient receives and sign the document. It will automatically send the PowerPoint/PDF file that they need to view. 





Hi @Jaijaisy,


Thank you for following up.


@David.Schmitz description of the application’s features is accurate. This workflow will only be possible if the second document is added at a later stage in your signing order, and not if both documents are included from the start.


Document Visibility can help to a certain extent, but will not do exactly what you are looking for.


Taking this into consideration, I invite you to reanalyze @David.Schmitz’s comment, and let me know of any specific questions that you may have regarding the workaround he mentioned. I will gladly help answer your questions as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator  


Please click "Best Answer" below if you find my reply to be a valid solution to your issue!

