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Signing a document for insurance, there is a section where it asks for ONE AND ONLY ONE initial to be signed, however, the document says it is not finished until I sign all other options as well. What is the issue?

@Elijah Stevens 

If the sender has configured multiple initials field as required you need to click on every single field to initial. If those fields have been added as optional you can skip those initials. There is no option to initial at one place and automatically have multiple pages initialed. 

Docusign eSignature not allowing you to complete the document can be depending on any field that is required and was not completed by the recipient, not only initials or signatures, but all other available field type like check boxes, drop down fields, text fields. The sender configures what actions are available and required for each recipient and the system enforces that it needs to completed as configured by the sender.

Hi @Elijah Stevens,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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Hi Elijah,

In regard to your comment that the sender (which is me on a trial just started today) can send initial selections to be OPTIONAL. Can you expand on how to do that? Like I said, I just started a trial with the basic package, would like my customers to be able to choose between two initial sections. For instance, they initial whether they are choosing an annual or a monthly agreement.  In my first attempt, they both have to be initialed to complete the document. I’m wondering how to change those two to be optional. Thank you.
