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We lost a bunch of contracts from 2015 in a cyber incident.  Therefore, I need to get my customers to sign about a dozen new contracts.  I am the signer for my company and I will be sending the contracts to the customers. 

When doing paper contracts, I would ask the customer to sign and return.  I would countersign and return a copy to them.

When I send out these new contracts, should I e-sign before sending (because I will get my copy when they e-sign, right?)  Or, do I set the signing order to be customer first, then me second?

Probably a simple answer, but since I have never run the DocuSign process from the contract originator side, I want to make sure that I set it up the best way possible (and not make learning mistakes in front of my customers).


@Gimixman Based on the paper contracts in which you stated the customer signs first and then you countersign, I would suggest the same process within DocuSign. This would mean setting the envelope with a Signing Order and in the case of all envelopes, the Recipients set to “Needs to Sign”, “Needs to View” or Receives a Copy” would get a notification of completion when the envelope is complete with document attached (if enabled).
