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Is there a way to extend the time a signer has to sign?  I have a document that needs to be signed by the 7th or it expires.

@Kelly The Sender of the envelope can make a “correction” and update the Expiration of that envelope through the Advanced Options > Expiration setting. If you are not the Sender, then you would need to contact the Sender for the correction to be made regarding the Expiration.  (Note: DocuSign Admins could share envelopes between users to allow for corrections or the Admin could make that correction as well).

Great, thank you!

It looks like those options are locked and I can’t make changes.

@Kelly When you say locked do you mean you are able to select “Correct” on the envelope but the setting for the Expiration is grayed out and you cannot edit?

Yes, that is correct.

@Kelly Typically this means the “Expiration “ time is set and is not allowed to be “overridden” by the Sender. Since the envelope is in progress even an Account level change would not allow for this already existing envelope to be altered.  I would suggest sending out a new notification on the envelope in hopes the Recipient(s) takes action prior to expiration.  Then contact your DocuSign Admin to check on Account settings when it comes to allowing Senders to override the Expiration time. If the envelope expires then you can do a “copy with field data” to create a new envelope, extend the Expiration time (if changed in Admin) and send out the new envelope.  The new envelope would go through the entire Signing process workflow again but that is unavoidable if Recipients do not take action in a timely fashion.

Okay, thank you for the help. 

Hi @Kelly,


I hope you are doing well.


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Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

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