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HI, I'm trying to find out whether I can sign official legal public administration documents in Italy with Docusign esignature. Thanx for a swift n 100% reliable reply from Docusign ideally.... 

@pola - In Italy, DocuSign eSignatures are legally recognized and can be used for official legal public administration documents under certain conditions. As an EU member country, Italy adheres to the eIDAS Regulation. I would consider reaching out to the sender to confirm.

@JohnSantos thank you so much for your answer, I only got the notification today so excuse my late reply. Italy is unfortunately just the home of burocracy, partly due to EU excess regulations, so meanwhile I had to come to terms w a digital signature that gave me access to the PA or Public Admin platforms which is a real USB key costing 120€.. so done w the EU digital ID dictatorship!!! Thanks again for your attempt at clarifying the buro jungle. Cheers
