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Hi All,

I need to upload an agreement of 50 pages and 15 annexes with a total of approx 250 pages.
I would like to have the initials of both parties under each (300) pages.

Is it possible to upload all the documents and apply the initial of both parties at the bottom right position of all documents/pages/ in once? Otherwise I have to repeat more than 600 times the same action.

Thanks for sharing your ideas (of better the solution)

Best Roy


Depending on the layout of your document, you may use something in the footer to leverage AutoPlace to automatically place the initials on every page. The recipients will need to click the initial field on every page, which will create a horrible user experience and there is actually no need to do so.

I would challenge the need of initialing every page in a digital world and using DocuSign eSignature. Historically initialing was done to prevent people to exchange certain pages in the documents without notice. As this is impossible with DocuSign eSignature most customers do not initial at all with our solution in place or only once per document if there is no signature and they have not set up supplemental documents.

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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