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Dear all,

in our account’s signing setting we do not have the possibility to flag the “Enable CFR Part 11 Rapid Signing” as shown in various instructions.

Can you please tell us how to do it? Does it depends on account’s settings or account’s type?

It’s really important for us to add that to our signature.

Thanks in advance for your help.


I assume you are referring to this Docusign Support article?

Can you confirm that the account you are referring to is actually a 21 CFR Part 11 account, meaning that the Part 11 Module is enabled?

You can check this, when you click on your profile picture on the top right after login to see the account details, it should look similar to the following screenshot:

If you can confirm that you are in an account with the CFR Part 11 Module enabled and you cannot see the option under “Signing Settings”, please open a case with Docusign Support. They will be able to make a change in the backend to make this feature visible in your Docusign eSignature account.

Dear Micheal,

thank you for the kind replay.

The article is correct. The account setting no, we do not have that details on the Acc info.

That is why i’m trying to understand how to enable the Part 11 Module.

Do you thing is feasible or is it necessary to have a completely different type of account? If yes, what kind?

Thank you!!


The CFR Part 11 Module is a paid add-on to Docusign eSignature. Therefore, you will not see this options unless you have purchased this module for all Part 11 related features.

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