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How do i check if my system Docusign is eIDAS  compliant ?




Yes, DocuSign eSignature is eIDAS compliant and offers all three signature levels defined by eIDAS.

You can find more information in this data sheet or the eIDAS Learning and the eIDAS FAQ.


Thanks for your kind feed-back

How can i check anyhow what are the levels of security i could use/ set-up in Docusign

For the time being, we don’t pay attention to this request and use the simple signature loop

In the possibilities offered during the signature, i could pick one of the three statement listed in the screenshot

if i want to use eIDAS statements, should i purchase an additional module, change something in my setting as admin ?




The default signature is the standard electronic signature, which is the lowest level defined in the eIDAS regulation, but suitable for 99% of all use cases. Only for specific use cases where a higher level of signature is mandated by law, you will require an advanced or qualified electronic signature.

Yes, there are add-ons available for DocuSign eSignature to enable other signature types in your account. These will then display exactly where highlighted in your screenshot as “Select signature type” option.

This will then give you a drop down to select from the signature types available to you:



Therefore, if i need to get the equivalent of “qualified electronic signature”, can you confirm this is not standard and that i’d need to purchase an add-on right ? Or is there a way to check in my admin menu if i do have this facility offered (but not functioning today as not tagged as such in the menu”



Therefore, if i need to get the equivalent of “qualified electronic signature”, can you confirm this is not standard and that i’d need to purchase an add-on right ? Or is there a way to check in my admin menu if i do have this facility offered (but not functioning today as not tagged as such in the menu”



I can confirm that the qualified electronic signature (QES) is not included in any base DocuSign plan and needs to be purchased as an add-on, e.g. DocuSign IDV Premier.

Signature types are enabled on the account level, which means that after they are available, you will automatically have the option to “Select signature type” when sending an envelope as per screenshot above. If you can’t see that option only the standard electronic signature is enabled.

Hi @stephane1919,


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Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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