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Hello.  I am a final recipient of a Docusign form that will also include an Excel spreadsheet separately.  I understand that typically, this spreadsheet gets converted to a PDF, which doesn’t allow me to edit/input some numbers into the sheet, which I need to do as a final step. 

Is there a way for me to receive the actual spreadsheet (Excel), or convert it back, or any other ideas on how I can input some numbers into a few fields, short of doing text boxes (which I call a Band Aid)?  Thanks

@Trevor Rajala 

You could consider including a link in your document that points to your Excel file stored in the cloud. This allows you to edit the file while maintaining its original formatting. Unfortunately, when you upload an Excel file to DocuSign, it converts the file to a PDF. As a result, you would need to add fields to the document after the conversion.

 Hello @Trevor Rajala ,

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Nathaly| DocuSign Community Moderator

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