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Is there a way to report on the Template or Envelope on for the “Document Custom Field” values?

I would like to report on envelopes that have certain “Document Custom Field” values. I am unable to find if this is possible or not.
I can find the option to add “Envelope Custom Fields” but I need “Document Custom Fields”.

We use these to tag documents with certain values, and I would like to be able to run a report to identify these values before exporting documents via API/Retrieve processes.

Hello, @thulse 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


I’m afraid there is no such option to report filtering by a Custom Document Field, but only by Custom Envelope field.


However, new envelopes generates with a Custom Document field you can create a rule under Agreement Actions, such rule permits to you specify the IF  and the THEN options. 

On the example below, I created a Agreement Rule to: IF a Custom Document field named Board has as its value “Executive” THEN will save the completed envelope in a SharePoint page, however you can set other saving places including creating a spreadsheet where each line will have your completed envelopes information.

Agreement Rules are not retroactive, I mean, all your completed envelopes before creating a Rule will not be included, only the news ones created after the Rule be activated.


I hope that helps.



  1. API Use: You would need to use the DocuSign REST API to programmatically retrieve envelope documents and their associated custom fields. Specifically, you can use the listDocuments endpoint to get a list of documents within an envelope and then use listDocumentFields for each document to retrieve the custom fields. listDocuments | REST API | Docusign

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