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We have a letter template that gets sent out to different clients, but each time we need to change name and address and some info on it.

What is the best way to do this?

Do we have to prepare the letter on word and upload it each time for each client, or is there a way to have the basic template which can be edited for each use.

Thank you


I suggest using DocuSign Template assistant for word. You can dynamically insert data fields like name, address and insert them in your document templates. These fields capture information and gets merged into your documents. 

Refer :

I would like to share a video as well



Depending on how the document looks like and how many data point are changing, also taking the different length of some values into account, there are two ways in DocuSign eSignature to address this requirement.

1. DocuSign Bulk Send 

This is exactly what this feature was built for, sending out variants of documents based on the same template to different recipients. You provide the data input in a CSV format and DocuSign will merge the data into the fields specified in the template. This means you have to leave free space where the data will be merged. If you have large blocks of data or placeholders within a sentence and the value may range from being extremely short to long, it may not result in a document that is not 100% pleasing to the eye to some. By that I mean that there may be too much or too little space and it looks a bit strange based on the input or it may overlap with existing text on the template. There will be no issue with addresses, names, dates and values and free text that is not within a sentence or paragraph. If you consider this in the layout of the underlying Word document, this is a great way to mass send individual documents to different recipients.

See the following DocuSign Support Article for details:


2. DocuSign Document Generation for eSignature

This is a newer feature, which comes at an extra cost per envelope. The key difference is that it will generate a clean document. Therefore, it will look the same as if you had created it directly in Word, no extra spaces or overlapping with existing text, as it will always fit right in and if necessary will break into the next line, etc.

See the following DocuSign Support Article for details:

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