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Hello. I wanted to know if my husband and I can both be signers on the same account? We would be using my email address as he doesn’t have an email. Or would we have to create a separate account with a different email?

Hello @DPala118

I hope you are doing great. Please view the following article for more information on how to send to multiple recipients using the same email address:

Also, if you have followed the instructions successfully but still get the same result, it could be that the name is automatically switching to the name of the owner of the email. There are three ways to prevent that from happening:

  1. Lock the recipient's name, by doing this the name that the sender enters can not be changed:
  2. If the recipient has a DocuSign account, they can create a signature with the name of the recipient that keeps changing, and the Sender would have to correct the envelope and add that exact name (the one used in the signature creation). If the recipient doesn't have a DocuSign account, then a recipient account should be open in the backend (a placeholder account) which would need to be closed to free up the email again, please contact support.
  3. Use a different email for the signers.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this. Mark is “BEST” 🌈


Hi @DPala118,


I hope you are doing well.


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Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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