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I just got Docusign and everytime I have someone sign a document, when I print it out, it blacks out everything this is signed with docusign. I thought it was my printer so I went out and bought a new printer and its doing the same thing. I’m ready to lose my mind...I have so many documents to print and cant do it…...what is going on...this is only on docusign signatures.  NEED HELP ASAP!!!


Can you try to print them from the PDF reader?  When you view it from the PDF reader does it show the signatures correctly.  If you are printing directly from your browser, it might be an issue with it.   Try a different browser.

  • Document Format: Ensure the document you are printing is in a standard format like PDF. Sometimes, the issue can arise from non-standard formats.

  • Download and Print: Download the signed document from DocuSign to your computer and open it using a reliable PDF viewer like Adobe Acrobat. Try printing from there instead of directly from the DocuSign interface.

Hello @denal ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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