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My peers and I are responsible for processing more than 200 different invoices every month; we’ve finally started using Docusign for it. I think I figured out how to set up the routing template as it’s the same for all the documents. What i need help figuring out is how to insert the text APPROVED FOR PAYMENT, along with two initial approval blocks with the DATE SIGNED underneath.

For each of us, we will be the first approver, and our assigned Financial Specialist the second. EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. Having to do that manually for each invoice is killing us .

I’m sure there must be a way to “save” this signature block as a template and use it for each of the different invoices but we are so new to this process none of us has a clue.


Hello, @DeborrahC 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


I’m not sure if I understand well your scenario, however when you need to add fields automatically in some locations of the invoice, the feature Auto Place can help. You can define some texts or phrases as anchors where the fields (initials, signature, a text field with the phrase Approved for Payment) will be automatically placed for every new invoice generated through a template. 


Watch this video from our channel about Auto Place.


I hope that helps!


Hello @DeborrahC ,

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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@DeborrahC - You can create a template with all of the required text APPROVED FOR PAYMENT, along with two initial approval blocks with the DATE SIGNED underneath from one of your previous invoices.   When it’s time to send another invoice for approval, you can simple upload the new invoice from your home page in DocuSign and use the Template Matching feature.   

How Template Matching Works (
