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Hello all,
I have been tasked with seeing if it would be possible to have all my users have their own accounts. The problem with this is, if I have a member that has filled out docs with a specific user in Docusign and that user is off for the day. That document is stopped and can’t progress. My team and I were looking into seeing if there is some way that when an envelop is created it gets put into some kind of “pool” of envelopes that anybody in that group can access and take over if need be. I found something called Custody Transfer in the Docusign settings as an admin, but it looks like you can only assign an envelope to one user, not a group of users. Does anybody know if there is a solution to this problem, or am I SOL?

@jordonbigelow There are a few possible options.

  1. Use Powerforms assigned to a central service account type user, that service account user is then shared access with other Users.
  2. Create a Service Account type user that has shared access with “Send on Behalf” of all the other Users.  They login as there normal user and then switch accounts to the Service Account user and send the envelope from there where applicable.

@jordonbigelow - You can also assign Custody Transfer to a group of users. You will first need to create a Group (Not a Signing Group) and add your users.  Then create your Custody Transfer rule.  Any users added to the Group, would automatically be added to the Custody Transfer rule.   Please note that the Custody Transfer rule cannot be modified.   If changes need to be made to the rule, you will need to delete it and create a new one.

Thank you for the options everyone.

Hi @jordonbigelow,


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