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I have a process through which a supplier sends quotes as PDF documents that need a couple of additional details entered and to be signed by two people and sent back to the supplier.

Currently I create an envelope for each quote, add radio buttons for the couple of pieces of information that need to be added, add the signers and the supplier’s email as a recipient. 

The supplier builds the quote from a template withinn which they have 30 or so fields that they would have to populate for each quote but the format is always the same so I add the radio buttons and signing points are always in the same location every time. 

Is there a way I can apply a template of my own over the quote PDFs I receive so that I don’t have to add the radio buttons and signing points each and every time? 



If you set up a template with all the required fields for the supplier, and use the Replace function where you add documents, you can replace the existing document with PDF quote you receive. 

Please note that if you get a message that says: We found form fields for <filename.pdf>, you will need to keep the PDF form data so all the quote information remains in your document along with the fields on the existing template.


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