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I have a document that needs to be signed by 5 parties. This is no problem and I know how to do this part.

However, after those 5 parties have signed, I need the signed document to be send to me and another recipient (not signatory). Is this possible?

Many thanks,

@Curious If you just need a copy of the completed envelope and associated document then you can add yourself and the other individuals as “Receives a Copy” Recipient Type after the original 5 Recipients who are signing the document. Make sure to use “Signing Order” and place yourself and the other user at the end of the envelope workflow, in the example you might set Recipient 1 through 5 as signing order 1 through 5 and then set yourself and the other User as 6 and 7 or both “6”.

Hi David
Thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for.
Have a great day!
