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Bulk send CSV template not finding data fields from contract template

  • 23 July 2024
  • 2 replies

I’m looking to send a document to all members of staff, but some of the details within the document are different for each person (e.g. employment start date). The template and bulk send function seems perfect for this purpose, but I’m running into problems.

  1. I’ve created my template with all relevant field names (all “text”, no numbers)
  2. I go into Template, click “Use” » “Advanced Edit” » Bulk Send » Upload a CSV » Next » Download Sample CSV
  3. The CSV template only returns two fields: 
    • Recipient::Name
    • Recipient::Email
  4. All of the fields I’ve added in the template are completely missing


Can anyone help?

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +13


You can manually add the desired fields into the CSV file. You need to make sure about the correct spelling from the data label as well for the recipient role. Let’s say you have a role called “Employee” and fields assigned to that role have a data label of “StartDate”, then the column needs to be “Employee::StartDate”.

Actually doing the steps you described should generate a CSV file with all the existing fields on the document. I am not sure if this works with collaborative fields, as I have never tested it myself. Other than that I cannot think of a reason right now why they potentially would not be added to the CSV file.

Userlevel 4
Badge +12

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