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Certificate of completion - send it or not ?

  • 18 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Hello fellow members,

If I email someone a document signed by docusign and they were not part of the envelope, should the certificate of completion be sent together with the signed document or not ? Does sending it pose a security risk in any way shape or form, given that some personal information is written in it, such as name, email, position etc ? 


Thank you

4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hello @arbasialdi 

So here is thing, If you going to forward the signed document to any user and you listed him/her as “Receive a Copy”. then they are gonna receive the document as a copy and the COC is will be not visible but when the user receive the copy and then they can see the COC in there “Other Action” tab.

Refer the SS below:



Hi Pawan,

To simplify.

Is it OK for a company user to compose a new email in Outlook, download a document signed in docusign and its COC, attach it to the email and send it to an external user who was never part of the envelope ID signature flow ?

Follow up question:

Does this behavior represent a security risk, given that the COC includes information about the internal people of the company such as names, emails and positions ?

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Yeah Nicely simplified @arbasialdi.

As far as the security risk of forwarded envelope or signed document will not get compromised. but i will suggest you forward it through DocuSign eSignature.

for more info here is the link: 


Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Hello @arbasialdi ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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