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Auto Filler

  • 3 April 2024
  • 2 replies

Our company is new to DocuSign and we want to put our company application on DocuSign. How do you successfully put auto filler so that the applicant can complete the application.

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Hello, @Mr G.L.Hope 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


I’m not sure what do you mean with auto filler, if it’s related to a field when someone starts typing a text then the an entire phrase or expression shows up? As you do when typing in the Google search bar, right?


At this moment, we don’t have this feature, however I can suggest to you some good options as our millions customers are doing when they need something similar to your need.


  1. Create a Template with the form application.
    In a template you can add text fields to your applicant fill up.
    Also, you can add dropdown fields with information already prepopulated so the applicant just need to select a value.
    Every time you need to send a new Application form you only need to Use the Template, add the recipients then a new envelope will be created and sent. Easy and quick!
  2. In case your applicant form is a .PDF Form, when adding it to an envelope or template, the system detects it’s a form so you’ll get a popup window asking if you want to keep the values in the form fields or start with them in blank.

Here a short video explaining how to create a template.


Let me know if you have additional questions.



Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Hi @Mr G.L.Hope,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the solution that was suggested? 


If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find


Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!   


