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How do I go back to the original version 5. Version 6 is not providing me with rooms created prior to 2022.


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

No, unfortunately, there isn't a way to go back to version 5.

Regarding the rooms that are not showing, did you try to use filters? If you log in to your room's account using a different browser or an incognito window, do you get the same behavior? Can you confirm that you are logged in to the correct account?

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

At the moment, I can't even access my docusign rooms, rather I'm receiving this message:
The request is blocked.

Help! I am a transaction coordinator and use docusign rooms for my clients files. I need access to all of them.
Is this a beta version of your new updated 6?

Nathaly Monge,

I have the same problem. I am missing transactions from 2016-2020.

There are no search options. You can't search transactions by year.

I get the same message "The request is blocked." on one of my browsers.

I need to know how to access the transactions prior to 2021.

Can you please respond?

Thank you,



Thank you for reaching back.

Apologies, can you try to clear your cookies and cache:

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

Hi Natalie,

I have an open ticket; I cleared the cache and now it shows "The request is blocked." on my Google Chrome browser.

I still can't see the earlier transactions. Is the system still in process of transitioning???

It is unacceptable that I can't see 2016-2020 transactions.

Please check with your tech department about these problems, none of your suggestions are working.

I chatted with support and the woman didn't know anything about how to fix the problem and she - just like you, were sending me articles from 6 months ago about an old version of the transaction rooms.

Same as Natalie, I cleared the cache and it doesn't give me access to years of transactions.

We truly need this data. Please help!

Honestly, I would not have updated to the new version, it is sorely lacking vs version 5.


Thank you for reaching back

We apologize for all the inconvenience this has caused, please try the below:

1. Try a different browser(s)

2. Try an Incognito window

3. Try a different device

4. Try a different Internet network, such as on a mobile device using data with Wi-Fi disabled.

5. Try using VPN, or if on one already, disconnect from VPN and try again

If the above does not work, please create a Customer Support case by clicking the link below: 

If you’re not able to open a Customer Support case via the above link, scroll down further on the page to “More Support Options” and select "I can't reset my password or don't have an account." You will have different options to contact Support.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!


The problem is not with the browser, the problem is in your database!

I tried different everything and incognito window, nothing works. I need to be able to see all my transactions from 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and up.

I opened a ticker and here is what I got:

"Hello Cheryl,

Thank you for contacting DocuSign Customer Support. My name is Dave and I am more than happy to assist you.

As per checking, it appears that you are the only user of your account, that means you have full control of all the transactions stored in your account. All of those transactions will always be accessible unless you deleted it. 

Best regards,

Dave | DocuSign Customer Support"

Is this how you respond to users? This Dave doesn't even understand what is going on!

I just requested on my ticket for someone to give me a call, we need to resolve this as soon as possible.

Nathaly, I totally agree with Cheryl. I also tried the fixes that you proposed, to no avail.

And I too need all of my past transactions -- after all, this is why we use, and pay for, docusign transaction rooms.

Surely, your tech experts didn't switch to a new version without ensuring that our files would be safe and accessible.

You need to have someone correct this immediately, someone who knows what they are doing. We should be receiving reliable HELP now please.

I lost my files from 2013-2017 as well. "Customer Support" was of no help. Apparently, my case manager didn't even understand what I was asking. I, too, have been paying for secure access to my files. Now it's a mess. Fortunately, it is the end of the year. Next year, I will no longer be setting up my files in DocuSign. It is not safe and secure. It is no wonder the stock is tumbling. I suggest you copy as many files as you can on a hard drive. Then, quickly find another, acutally realible source to secure your documents going forward.

You are so right Violet, there isn't any competent customer service/support. And like you, I am researching a new file saving program. It's sad really, I had used transaction rooms for more than 10 years without a problem.

Needless to say, we should be issued a refund for all of the files that we've paid to store and no longer can access. Class action lawsuit?

I received a response to my numerous conversations today. Perhaps this will be of some help to you and others with the same problem. Class action? Well, if there is an attorney who lost files, I can guarantee there will be one!

Response: We have confirmed that there is an ongoing bug that you can only see the first 30 Transactions. You should be able to search for the remainder, but the scrolling function is coming. 

It also shows that there are 57 closed items all the way back to 2013 and 30 open back to 2016.

Thank you for choosing DocuSign. Have a wonderful day!

Best regards,

Marjie R. | DocuSign Customer Support

Does this mean that we will eventually has access to our past files? If so, when might that happen?

Late yesterday I was told the scrolling function would be working by this afternoon. Of course, it isn't. They asked that I let them know if it was working, so I just emailed them to let them know it wasn't. They do have a record of the transactions I've been saving - they confirmed the list I'd sent over. I assume I'll see them again when scrolling bug is fixed. Good grief! Let me know if your scrolling function ever works.

Violet, as of this morning, I am not able to access my past transactions.

Please continue to share any info that you receive. Appreciate it.

I received an automatic email asking if I was satisfied with my case progression. Needless to say, I let them know I wasn't because the scrolling issue has not yet been resolved. Perhaps I'll hear again later today. I find it difficult to believe a company the size of DocuSign does not employ an engineer who can tackle a scrolling problem! Let me know if your scrolling ever begins to work.

UPDATE - I spoke with a Christopher this evening about the whole situation. I was told that this seemed to happen within the past few days. He was expediting this up to the engineers. They are the ones that can look at the code in the back end. I gave him all my information on when things disappeared and what I was doing. I also asked him to contact his superior and ask that while this is all being investigated, that someone else keep those of us that have been effected, advised of what is going on. To not leave us in the dark. I told him that the lack of communication on their part is disconcerting to those of us that have no functionality and no files. I also found out that many other clients have made the transition with no issue. END

I lost all my files this afternoon. All the way back to 2011. I was in the middle of creating a room and uploading files when it all disappeared.

I got the same run around about cookies, and browsers and machines.

No one is responding to the real situation.

Thank you for the update, Jayne. I, too, am waiting on this scrolling "fix". "Chris" apparently worked on my case as well, so he is well aware of the disaster this has caused. Please keep posting your updates as I have been left in the dark. Maybe I'll add another comment to my case to see if anyone cares enough to update me.

Does anyone have access to their past transactions yet? I still only have 2022 files.

Susan, I don't have access to any of my files 2022 or before.

I spoke to an agent today with Keller Williams today and she told me about the problems they had. They are large subscribers. KW went all in with Docusign and so did Re/Max.

I have asked a broker that I know in RE/Max if I can speak with their IT person to try and get some additional information that may help us.

I am still missing transactions 2015-2019.

Nothing has been resolved.




I just checked and there is no progress on my Rooms. If anyone has had luck, I'd like to know how. Jayne, did you just check and all of sudden started to scroll - OR - did you do something to make it work?

I still don't have access to past files either. 😣
Nope, no access to past files yet.
