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Hi there, I have the same issue with one of our users in the firm.

Once have a look at here, found this question 

He does not have a DocuSign account, and the Sender is me, I have checked My Preferences > Regional Settings > it has been set to Match my Computer’s time zone. So it sjould be 6 June, whereas once he signs the letter, the signed date shows 5 Jun, a day before. Any idea?


You need to look at the time zone settings of the sending account first. You can configure there, if the default time zone for the account or allow the user (sender) to set their own time zone. If this is not set for the account, the user regional settings do not apply at all.

You can see on the Certificate of Completion (CoC) which time zone was applied to your envelope.

Hi, thanks for your reply. But, I am the sender, and when I send to someone else it works correctly. It is just him that once signs the letter, my (Sender) time zone will not apply, which I don’t know where it is coming from then. 


Depending on the configuration of your Docusign account that is used for sending, it could either be the time zone configured on your account for everyone or it will be the recipients time zone. It sounds like he has a Docusign account himself with a different time zone and this is used, as you configured recipient time zone.

Hi @Kamelia,


I hope you are doing well.


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Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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