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When sending contracts, our first recipient is an approver. If they click the approve button, and the envelope is later corrected (before anyone signs) by replacing the attached document, will the approver see this change?


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

To confirm this approver is part of the DocuSign signing flow correct?

Are you using an Integration or just the DocuSign Web App?

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Hi Christopher,

Thanks for your response.

The approver is part of the workflow, which is - Approver [clicks approve button] > Signature 1 > Signature 2 > Signature 3 > Signature 4.

We're using the DocuSign web app.




We apologize for the inconvenience but this is expected behavior, have you thought of using a Radio button with Conditional fields so that when the approver selects the radio button for approval, the Approve field will show along with a text field stating that the document has been approved?

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Hi @Christopher Alpizar​ , my question was whether the approver is notified of corrections that are made to an envelope after they approve it. Could you confirm this please?


I apologize for the inconvenience, only changes made with the Document Markup tool will be notified to the other recipients please see

Please be advised that if any recipient has completed signing, you can no longer delete or reorder the existing files. You can still add new files, and add fields to existing files. When you correct an envelope, if you modify recipient information, a new email notification is sent to all outstanding recipients whose turn it is to sign. Recipients later in the routing order do not receive any notifications until it is their turn to sign. If a new email is generated, it contains a new link to the envelope.

If your corrections do not modify any recipient information, then no new notifications are sent. So if, for example, you correct an envelope to replace or add a document or fields, then no new notifications are sent.

More information at

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Great, thank you for this info @Christopher Alpizar​.
