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I have received an email from Docusign saying that I have reached the limit of sending envelope. However when I was talking with the representative from Docusign, she was using the term "transaction" instead of "envelope". I would want to know what are the difference between the two.

My account has reached the limit of 100 envelope per user per year. I have been using Docusign template to send envelopes to my colleagues by going to the template tab, select the template and use.

However, my colleague who has been using Docusign for two years, he send out document to sign by using home tab, start now, upload document and place the placeholder for every single document. >update 15 August 2019] My colleague goes to Manage tab, find a suitable signed document, make a copy, upload new document, copy all the placeholder and paste to new document, then delete old signed document and send. (I think this is route escapes the envelope counts)

I thought that was too troublesome. But this colleague of mine never hit the envelope limit. He definitely has more documents to send than me.

What is the difference between his method and mine?

I am assuming "envelope" and transation mean very similar things, but I do not know the specifics of your Account or Account plan and there could be references to Real Estate or account types I do not use. I can suggest that you review the Billing and Usage of your Account compared to that of the other individual as there are Account Plans that differ based on the number of envelopes allowed but to me a sent envelope is a sent envelope. So if the other account has unlimited envelope or a higher limit like 1000 envelopes per billing where your account has that 100 envelope limit.

My plan is eSignature business pro​, his plan is eSignature standard. I choose business pro for its template function.

Now I am facing a real problem. If I am to continue with Docusign, i would need to purchase envelope volume. But my colleague do not have to. Thus making my purchase unjustified.

The account plans provide certain features but I did not see envelope limits per the following...

I suppose there could be limits imposed but I would suggest checking with DocuSign Sales or your DocuSign Account Manager to see if the limits you have are appropriate for the plan and what the cost would be for additional or unlimited envelopes. It seems odd that Standard has no limit and Business Pro has just 100 envelopes but I see nothing to confirm these limits.
