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Hi.  How do I resend an envelope to a signee if they’ve missed filling out some important information?  It won’t always be a required field.  Thank you.

Hello, @fcolvin 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


Is the envelope already in the Completed status? If so, you’ll need to send a new envelope. You can copy the previous completed envelope then send it again or just start from the scratch.


Now, if the envelope is in Waiting for others status,  you can Correct the envelope, add again the signee in question, put the fields that you want must be completed (if you don’t want again your signee skipping those fields, mark them as Required. Complete the correcting, Send it.


Marking fields as required will prevent such situation.

Also, there is a feature called Conditional fields. It permits to make a field appears based in a previous option selected by the signee. Perhaps, it’s something you could consider. Watch this video to learn how to use Conditional fields.


I hope that helps!


Hi @fcolvin,


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Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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