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Even though I went into the settings and turned off email notifications for viewed, I’m still getting multiple emails (I’m an admin and an individual sender). Pls help! I’m getting inundated with 3+ notifications for each envelope I send out - which is a lot.

Hi Kristin!  We do have many notifications you could receive, that is true.  As a DS Admin, the Settings - Email Notifications area is for new users only; it does not impact existing user memberships.  Ultimately, users control their own email notifications separately under My Preferences - Notifications.  Here’s an article for your convenience!

Have an excellent day!


@krisfollis I would suggest checking any Templates where new envelopes are being created to make sure you were not added into these Templates as a “receives a copy”.  You can turn off that notification but if you are the Sender of the envelope or the Sender of the Powerform it may be redundant to have a “receives a copy” within the envelope workflow.

Thank you! It was turned on under my individual account; since I’m also an administrator I was only seeing those settings. Got it!
